
Bricks and Stones Tileable Patterns
20 detailed Bricks and Stones Tileable Patterns These patterns are great for web designing, backgrounds, posters and everything you want to use on their backgrounds. Works great for Text, Icons and Buttons. They are tileable patterns so you can cover everything the extent that you want.

Leather and Skins Tileable Patterns
22 detailed Leather and Skins Tileable Patterns These patterns are great for web designing, backgrounds, posters and everything you want to use on their backgrounds. Works great for Text, Icons and Buttons. They are tileable patterns so you can cover everything the extent that you want.

Bonded Metal Style
18 very high detailed Bonded Metal Style – six types of metal texture arranged in three categories: glossy, sharp and rusty. These styles don’t need multiple layers to work, they work individually. Works great for Text, Icons and Buttons. The metal textures are high resolution tileable patterns so you can cover everything the extent that you want.

Metal Patterns
16 high detailed Metal Patterns. Special set of tileable metal textures with high details and great quality. These patterns are great for web designing, backgrounds, posters and everything you want to use on their backgrounds. Works great for Text, Icons and Buttons. They are high resolution tileable patterns so you can cover everything the extent that you want.